Agreement Categories
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覚 書
本覚書は、シマネ益田電子 株式会社(以下SMEという)とアプライド・ナノテク・ジャパン 株式会社(以下ANI-Japanという)及び米国アプライド・ナノテク
This Letter of Intent is made and entered by and among SHIMANE MASUDA ELECTRONICS CO., LTD. (herein "SME"), APPLIED NANOTECH JAPAN, CO., LTD. (herein"ANI-Japan"), and APPLIED NANOTECH, INC. (herein ANI), jointly "the Parties."
1. 本覚書の調印により、アメリカのANI社で開発されたCNT電子源を活用した製品の開発・製造・販売を目的とする新規事業の創出を目指して、12ヶ月の期間で共同作業を行うことに合意する。装置の設置と SME のエンジニアへのトレーニングが完了した12ヵ月後に、当事者はフェーズ1の完了状況を見て、フェーズ1の継続可否を協議する。
1. By signing this Letter of Intent the Parties agree to commence working together for a period of 12 months (Phase 1) toward the creation of a new business for development, manufacturing and commercialization of products using CNT electron sources developed by APPLIED NANOTECH, INC. in USA (herein "ANI"). After 12 months from the training of the engineer and installation of the equipment (as specified in Addendum A ) the Parties will discuss whether or not to continue and under what terms to complete Phase 1.
2.上記共同作業の基で市場を創造し、事業計画(ビジネスプラン)が作成出来ると判断した場合、当事者SMEとANI-Japanの間の合弁会社設立 及び / 又は ANI から SME へのライセンスを許諾 の形態での新規事業 に合意する。
2. Under such collaboration, the Parties agree that the new business will be in the form of a joint venture between SME and ANI-Japan and/or license agreement from ANI to SME to be determined when the Parties will judge the market and create a business plan.
3. 第一段階として、CNT電子源を活用した製品を開発し、市場創造する努力を当事者は協力して行う。その目的達成の為に以下の取り決めを行う。
3. As the first phase of collaboration, the Parties work together to develop the products utilizing CNT electron source, and to create the market for them. For this purpose, the Parties agree as follows:
3-1. 当事者は、CNT電子源技術を利用した製品の市場動向、競合メーカーの動向、製品化の可能性等の分析をユーザーとも協力して行う。又、国内企業や大学等とも連携して製品開発を推進する。これら第三者との共同開発等に関しては、当事者は共に関与しあう事とする。
3-1. The Parties work together to survey the market, the situation of competitors, analysis of possibilities of commercialization related to the products using CNT electron technology, in cooperation with potential users. Also, the Parties will collaborate with other domestic corporations and universities for the development of application for the products. The Parties will be jointly involved in such collaboration with those third Parties.
3-2. At the first phase, the Parties will work together to proceed with such collaboration, and the Parties will bear their own expenses respectively.
3-3.ANIは、SMEに対してCNT電子源に関する技術開示・継続的な技術指導・SMEで開発を推進する為に必要な装置(別添A記載の11万ドル相当の CNT 電子源の検査・分析装置)の販売等を ANI- Japan を通して行う。別添 A に記載した検査分析装置に適用しない CNT 電子源が発生した場合は、当事者間で協議の上決定する。又、 SME の専任技術者1名に対して、米国 ANI 社でのトレーニングを無償で実施する。
3-3. ANI will disclose the technology related to CNT electron sources to SME and will provide its technical training, continued technical supports and sell the necessary equipment ($110K) for test and analysis of CNT electron sources to SME through ANI-Japan as specified in Addendum A. Any cathodes that do not fit the test and analysis equipment specified in Addendum A will be discussed and agreed to by the Parties. Also, ANI provides the training for one SME's engineer in Austin at free of charge.
3-4. For the development of products the Parties will investigate the Canon's and Toshibas patents related to the ANI patent licensed to Canon thoroughly so that the Parties can develop the products without any infringement.
3-5. 第一段階では、ANIはSMEに対し製品の開発に必要なCNT電子源を無償で支給する。
3-5. At the first phase, ANI will supply the CNT electron sources to SME at free of charge, which is necessary to develop the products.
3-6. During the collaboration for developing products, the Parties will own the intellectual property as follows:
(1) If the invention is made by ANI employees, the invention will belong to ANI.
(2) If the invention is made by SME employees, the invention will belong to SME.
(3) If the invention is made as a result of collaboration between ANI and SME employees, the Parties jointly own the patent, which can be freely used by each of the Parties.
4. As the second phase, the Parties will establish a joint venture between SME and ANI-Japan and /or a license agreement from ANI to SME when the Parties agree with the situation that the business plan is achievable.
5. The Parties agree with the terms and conditions below if the joint venture is established:
5-1. For the establishment of joint venture, ANI shall request an expedited examination for the patent application of CNT electron sources submitted by ANI to the Japan Patent Office in order to acquire a patent as soon as possible.
5-2. At the time of establishment of a joint venture, the joint venture and ANI will sign a license agreement for the products identified in Phase 1 using CNT electron sources.
5-3.合弁会社は日本・中国・韓国・シンガポール・台湾・フィリピン・タイ・マレーシア・ベトナムを含むアジア市場における CNT 電子源を活用した製品の開発・製造・販売を目的として設立する。
5-3. The joint venture will be established for the purpose of development, manufacturing and commercialization of the products using CNT electron sources in Asian markets including Japan, China, Korea, Singapore, Taiwan, Philippines, Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnam.
(1) ANI-Japanは合弁会社に対してANI特許のライセンスと技術を現物出資する。
(2) SMEはライセンンスの特許実施権(イニシャルフィー)相当額の20万ドルの資金を出資する。
(3) 出資比率は、ANI-Japan(50%) SME(50%)とする。
5-4. For the investment to the joint venture, ANI-Japan will provide the license for the ANI patent and the technology for CNT electron sources as its investment in-kind, and SME will provide the same in cash. The ratio of investment is 50% for ANI-Japan and 50% for SME. SME shall invest $200K comparable to upfront royalty for the license to the joint venture. The $110K spent by SME in the first phase will be applicable as a part of SME's payment of $200K. Therefore, SME will invest $90K as the balance.
5-5. 合弁会社はライセンス契約に基づいて、CNT電子源を活用した製品の販売金額の3%のロイヤリティを、ANIへ支払うものとする。但し、合弁会社の売上の中で、 CNT 電子源の特許を使用しないものについては、ロイヤリティの支払いは無いものとする。
5-5. In the license agreement, the joint venture agrees to pay 3% running royalty to ANI on the sales of products utilizing CNT electron sources. However, the royalty will not be paid for the sales amount of joint venture which is not related to ANI's patents for CNT electron sources.
5-6. If there are monetary losses in the joint venture, ANI-Japan can choose to pay its half of the losses in cash or discuss another option other than cash to be agreed by the Parties.
5-7.合弁会社が不成立の場合、SME単独で事業展開を図ると決めた場合、ANIはSMEに対してライセンスを許諾する。許諾条件は、ANIと SME で現時点では合意に達していないが、これについては継続して協議するものとする。(但し、下記両者案の間での合意とする)
5-7. In the case that the joint venture is not established but SME decides to go ahead, ANI would agree to license the ANI patents to SME. The Parties have not reached the agreement for the terms and conditions of license at the time of execution of this LOI, and the discussion will continue within the following range:
(1) イニシャルフィー : 2,500万円
(2) ランニングロイヤリティ : CNT電子源技術を利用した全製品の売り上げの5%
ANI: Initial fee for Yen 25M, plus running royalty of 5% from total sales of all products of SME utilizing CNT electron sources
(1) イニシャルフィー : 1,000万円
(2) ランニングロイヤリティ : CNT電子源技術を利用した全製品の売り上げの5%
SME: Initial fee for Yen 10M, plus running royalty of 5% from total sales of all products of SME utilizing CNT electron sources
(1) SMEとANI-Japan間の紛争については日本法に基づく。
(2) SMEとANI間の紛争については、SMEが提訴する場合は米国へ、ANIが提訴する場合は日本へ提訴し、各々の国の法律に準ずる。
6. In the case of any difference in opinions among the Parties, the Parties will discuss to solve the difference productively. Unfortunately, however, if dispute arises, the following governing law shall apply:
(1) If the case is between SME and ANI-Japan, the governing low should be the laws of Japan.
(2) If the case is between SME and ANI, the laws of defendants country of state will be applicable.
The Parties, represented by duly authorized representatives, have signed this Agreement in duplicate originals to be effective on the date written below.
平成16年 9月 29日
Date: September 29, 2004
シマネ益田電子株式会社 Accepted and Agreed: |
アプライド・ナノテク・ジャパン株式会社 Accepted and Agreed: |
/s/ Yuzuru
Yuzuru Ishikawa, President & CEO Shimane Masuda Electronics Co., Ltd |
Masaaki Matsumura
Masaaki Matsumura, President Applied Nanotech Japan Co., Ltd. |
____________________, 2004 | _____________________, 2004 |
Accepted and Agreed:
/s/ Dr. Zvi Yaniv
Dr. Zvi Yaniv, President & CEO
Applied Nanotech, Inc.
____________________, 2004